Monday 6 August 2012


August 7, 1989:  Mom wrote:

“Donald and George are swathing wheat.  They have done a lot as they are going with two swathers. 
It was hot today but not near as it was last week and before.  At least it was cool in the house.”


   A field in Ukraine (July, 2004) 

 My sister-in-law, Aline,  is picking cucumbers now.   This would make a good side dish for a hot day in August, Aline:

MIZERIA (Cucumber Salad)  Serves 4 
1 large cucumber  
Fresh dill
2 tsp white wine vinegar (or more if desired)
1/3 cup sour cream
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper

  1.  Run the tines of a fork down all the sides of the cucumber if the skins are tender; otherwise peel off the tough skin.
  2. Slice the cucumber finely and set aside.
  3. Chop ½ cup dill.
  4. Mix together dill, vinegar, sour cream, salt, and pepper.
  5. Just before serving, stir together cucumber and sour cream dressing.
  6. Garnish with a sprig of dill.